L-istat tat-toroq
Billi qed ikollna bosta kummenti u mistoqsijiet dwar l-istat tat-toroq fiż-Żejtun, il-Kunsill Lokali taż-Żejtun jixtieq jiġbed...

Beda t-tgħasir taż-żebbuġ
Mill-bieraħ beda jingħasar iż-żebbuġ fis-San Niklaw Estates fiż-Żejtun, il-lokal magħruf għall-attività annwali ‘Żejt iż-Żejtun’ li din...

The project "It-Tfal Jaddottaw Anzjan"
On Monday, 10th June, the Zejtun Local Council, inaugurated the 3rd edition of the project, "It-Tfal Jaddottaw Anzjan/a", at the Zejtun...

A Sustainable Community in a Changed Economy
In 2010 Zejtun Local Council was amongst one of the few Local Councils chosen by the Department of Local Government to commission a...

Centerian in the Żejtun residential home
Congratulation to Mr. Bilocca who is the first centenarian for the Zejtun residential home as well as to Dame Frances Grima on the...

Chapel to Chapel Project
Chapel to Chapel Rural/Historic Heritage Route Project: Work on this project is now in hand and will be carried out in four phases. ...

Ħal Tmiem Housting Estate Project
Hal Tmiem Housing Estate Joint Project between the Local Council and the Housing Authority. Refurbishments and Improvements in the common...

Good Neighbourhood Scheme
A scheme has just been launched through which an amount of green electricity will be credited each year to all households that lie within...

EU-Funded GARDMED Project
A delegation composed of 10 international representatives visited Gnien Luqa Briffa in Zejtun on Wednesday 18th April in connection with...

Ġieħ iż-Żejtun 2012
The award for Gieh iz-Zejtun was this year awarded to Mr. Lino Psaila, promoter of the Zejtun dialect and a well renowned kite-Master and...