Is-Servizzi Ambjentali
Il-Kunsill Lokali taż-Żejtun għandu numru ta' Bring-In-Sites (kontenituri għar-riċiklaġġ) imxerdin madwar il-lokalità fejn tista' tirreċikla materjali tal-metall, karta, ħġieġ u plastik b'mod sigur u responsabbli.
Il-Bring-In-Sites jinsabu:
Misraħ Karmenu Grima
Triq il-Qadi
Triq Luqa Briffa
Triq Toni Zahra
Triq San Girgor
Il-Qasam tad-Djar ta' Ħal Tmin
Il-Qasam tad-Djar ta' Ġebel San Martin
Triq Il-Ġiebja Rumana
Il-Ġbir tal-Iskart Bieb Bieb
Collection times of the Door-To-Door refuse collection service are between 07.00 hrs to 13.00 hrs from Monday to Saturday including Public Holidays excluding Christmas and New Year’s Day. Every Tuesday there is the recycling Tuesday where collect the green bag to recycle metal, plastic and paper. The first Friday of every month there is the collection of glasses for recycling from door to door.
Ġbir ta' Skart Goff
We also provide free of charge, bulky refuse collection service on call within 48 hours.