L-Istqarrija ta' Missjoni
Il-Pubbliku, il-Klijent Tagħna
We exist to be of service for our residents, therefore:
We concentrate and are committed to listen, respond to and satisfy their needs, and respect the diversity of ideas, creeds and beliefs.
We believe we can only excel at satisfying the public when we feel fulfilled by all our work, initiatives and projects, therefore:
We are open, honest, and treat with tact and courtesy all with whom We come into contact.
We endevour to become the model Council in Malta, through the continuous development of Local Governance concepts, therefore:
We develop our infrastructure, deploy resources, and enforce regulations to best meet the needs of the Community.
We envisage the social and cultural development of our Community, therefore:
We promote, support and foster initiative which strengthen the communal identity of our locality.
Kuxjenza Soċjali
We highly priorities equality in the delivery of work, services and opportunities to the community, therefore:
We sustain that all our work and initiatives are guided with a social conscience.
We believe that providing a high quality service to the public can only be achieved by people with the right skills and attitudes, therefore:
We develop ourselves to the levels required to enjoy providing high standards of service.
We believe that challenge comes from anticipating and creating change, which generates opportunities, therefore:
We plan, co-ordinate and implement strategies and action plans so as to fulfill dynamically the ever-changing needs of the Community.
We believe that we must be flexible in all that we do in order to meet opportunities quickly and successfully, therefore:
We encourage initiative, innovation, adaptability and the flow of ideas.
We believe that our commitment to quality and practicality in everything we do is the key to success, therefore:
We accept nothing less than conformance to the high standards we set.
Riżultati Pożittivi
We believe results are vital for a learning organization like ours, for the on-going growth in our portfolio of activities, for the greater influence we enjoy with stakeholders, and for our continued ability to excel at satisfying the public, therefore:
We constantly monitor our performance, methods and systems to ensure an ever efficient and positive results.